JW3 (www.jw3.org.uk ) is the first Jewish Community Centre and arts venue of its kind to exist in London, opening on Finchley Road in 2013.
The aim of JW3 is to transform the Jewish landscape in London by helping to create a vibrant, diverse and proud community, inspired by and engaged in Jewish arts, culture and community.
As part of its desire to create a lively and informative community offering a wide range of classes, activities and events, JW3 have asked NLP Financial Management (NLPFM) to work with them in delivering some key financial educational sessions. The first one took place in October 2018 and more are planned throughout 2019.
These sessions are focused on Inheritance Tax planning and Financial Planning post-retirement, including gifting assets to family members, life insurance, equity release and the use of trusts. The tax benefits of leaving a legacy to charity are also covered and to support this, NLPFM are working on this JW3 project alongside a highly respected local firm of solicitors, Manuel Swaden (www.manuelswaden.co.uk), who deal with Trusts, wills and powers of attorney.
We will continue to provide our time and expertise to JW3 this year in the form of financial planning and collaboration encouraging members of both the Jewish and wider community in London to feel better equipped and confident to manage their money more effectively.