Good company on a journey
makes the way seem shorter.

At NLP Financial Management we are here for you with tailored guidance and advice to help you towards your financial destination.

Adam Katten

Managing Director

Graham Mendoza-Wolfson

Financial Planning Director

Janine Willis

Chartered Financial Planner

Laura Gannaway

Chartered Financial Planner

Lev Kravchenko

Chartered Financial Planner

Baldeep Mann

Financial Planner

Theo Lishman

Chartered Financial Planner

Sean Bryan

Group Compliance Manager

Years Experience


Group Staff



Group Assets Under Management

An award-winning team.

We are delighted to have won or been consistent finalists in the Professional Adviser/Industry awards, which confirms our continued efforts in striving to remain a leading firm of advisers.

Looking for more financial clarity and peace of mind? Call us today on 020 7472 5555.